代办中巴FTA原产地证,代办中巴原产地证FORM P。中巴产地证FTA代办费用,办理中巴产地证FTA,办理中巴产地证 FTA价格,中巴FTA原产地证代办价格,中巴产地证FROM P办理,原产地证代办费用,代办中巴FTA原产地证时间。
《中华人民共和国与巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国关于自由贸易协定早期收获计划的协议》项下的《中国-巴基斯坦自由贸易区原产地规则》已于2005 年12月正式签署并将于2006年1月1日起实施,根据《协议》,中方将向原产于巴基斯坦的769个8位税目的产品提供零关税待遇,主要涉及蔬菜、水果、 石料、棉坯布和混纺布。同时,中方将享受巴方提供的486个8位税目产品的零关税待遇,主要涉及蔬菜、水果、石料、纺织机械和有机化工品。上述产品的关税 将在两年内分三次降税,到2008年1月1号全部降为零。
虽然中巴自贸协定FTA已经签订生效有一定的时间,我们口商要想真正享受到自贸 协定带来真正好处那就是,我们在出口时需要办理中巴FTA自贸协定原产地证,可是对于刚出口该国或者作为一个贸易新手,我们的中巴FTA原产地证该如何 办理,下面我把我在代办中巴FTA原产地证的过程中经常碰到的问题列举出来,如有不明白的地方您可以随时电话咨询或者加我QQ进行在线咨询。
问题一:产地证第 6 、7 栏内容一页纸打不下怎么办?
答:若产地证上需要填制的内容太长打不下,可用附页(ATTACHMENT)格式在相应的栏目续打未打完的内容,附页格式可在贸促会领 取。附页第11栏也需与正本一致盖章签字,贸促会经审核签发后加盖骑缝章。若唛头太多或有复杂图案及文字,也可用A4纸代替附页,填制要求与附页相同。
Question one:Certificate of origin in one 6, 7 column content pages can't play-
A: if the certificate of origin need to fill the content is too long to play, can use the attached format (ATTACHMENT) in the corresponding column of choices. Continue to play the content of the completion of the play, the attached format can be gotten in ccpit.Sheet bar 11 also need to be consistent with the original stamp signature, ccpit after examination and release with the place.If shipping mark too much or have a complex and text design, also can use A4 paper instead of the attached, fill the requirement is the same as the attached sheet.
Question two:China and Pakistan is certificate of origin in duplicate or triplicate-We do certificate of origin in duplicate, used to do the certificate of origin in triplicate!Is there a problem
China certificate of origin to the time is in triplicate, purpose, but a commodity inspection bureau to get us is in duplicate!A corporate purpose, a clearance to foreign clients, your company can not make a copy is usually send a certificate of origin is a deputy to the customer clearance, if you need to make a copy to scan the original purpose.
十年的单证操作经验,为大家提供更为周到、合理、便捷、高效的服务。中巴产地证FROM P代办费用,代办中巴原产地证FROM P价格,中巴FTA原产地证办理,中巴产地证办理时间,办理中巴FTA产地证价格,中巴FTA产地证代办,中巴原产地证FTA代办费用。